By Joe Garvey

Old Dominion University has received approval to establish a School of Supply Chain, Logistics, 维吉尼亚州高等教育委员会(SCHEV), 此举将加强ODU在海事相关规划和研究方面的协调,并优化供应链和海运业的区域经济发展.

The new academic unit will be in place by Oct. 1, 2023.

The school builds on the University's legacy of maritime-focused initiatives, including the International Maritime, 港口与物流学院创建于30多年前的斯特罗姆商学院.

The school will support the work of the Maritime Consortium, approved by President Brian O. Hemphill, Ph.D., in November 2021. The consortium aims to promote and expand ODU's maritime-related resources, 并支持几个行业的劳动力和研究需求-海军和国防, shipbuilding and repair, commercial shipping, port and maritime supply chains, offshore wind and more.

“这所学校的成立是我们努力不仅仅成为地区领导者的又一重要步骤, but a national and even a global trailblazer in this critical area,” President Hemphill said. “这所学校将为我们的学生进入劳动力市场做好准备,承担对我们的国防和地区经济至关重要的工作.”

The school, 将设在创新研究园1在君主路,并设在教务处, is expected to raise visibility and awareness of the University’s supply chain, logistics and maritime programs.

“这所学校的成立是我们努力不仅仅成为地区领导者的又一重要步骤, but a national and even a global trailblazer in this critical area.” - ODU President Brian O. Hemphill, Ph.D.

学院将采用多种策略来协调全校范围内的学术规划和研究活动. The new academic unit will: 

  • 召集一个委员会,为海事和供应链学术和研究规划制定战略计划. 
  • 提供一种管理结构,使现有部门的海事和供应链教师可以在学校和家庭部门之间进行联合任命.
  • Support the M-Collaborative, 一个跨学科的教师和研究人员的聚会,研究海事和供应链问题.
  • 与学术顾问和招生代表合作,确保所有人都了解学生可以获得的海事和供应链机会. 
  • Develop and administer a seed fund promoting collaborative research. 
  • 根据校长在校园内发展和扩大伙伴关系的能力来评估他们. 


This, in turn, 是否会增加区域供应链和海事劳动力的可用人才库, something industry leaders say is sorely needed.

美国劳工统计局(Bureau of Labor Statistics)显示,从2020年到2030年,对受过物流培训的工人的需求预计将增长30%. With its proximity to the Port of Virginia, military bases and shipyards, ODU is a key partner in workforce development for the region.

“As an ODU alum, industry employer and someone who remains active with the University, I’m excited that graduates of the School of Supply Chain, Logistics, 和海事作业的学生将有机会在大学的合作下接受学术和实践教育,并将以世界一流的学位开始他们在运输行业的职业生涯,” said Wayne Coleman, chairman of Norfolk-based CV International, Inc., and chair of the school’s advisory board. “这所位于弗吉尼亚州的独一无二的学校只是一个品牌的开始,它将推动ODU成为不仅在地区,而且在全国范围内的聚光灯下,成为您在供应链中接受教育的地方, logistics and maritime operations.”

The programs that will reside in the school are the Master of Science degree in maritime trade and supply chain management; graduate certificate in maritime ports and logistics management; graduate certificate in supply chain management; and a minor in supply chain management.

但学校也将积极努力加强ODU现有的许多跨学科项目和研究活动的协调. This includes certificates in maritime history, coastal engineering, supply chain management and spatial analysis of coastal environments; undergraduate majors in maritime trade, ocean and earth sciences, civil engineering and geography; and graduate programs in maritime trade and supply chain management, ocean and earth sciences and environmental engineering. 它还将与沿海网络创新中心(其中包括海事网络安全)合作。, the Hampton Roads Maritime Industrial Base Ecosystem, Open Seas Technical Innovation Hub, the Institute for Coastal Adaptation and Resilience, and the Spatial Analysis Interdisciplinary Laboratory, among other research centers.

该学院还与ODU的年度校园主题“蓝色连接”保持一致,该主题为教师提供资金, 员工和管理人员拓展与海事和供应链相关的课程和研究项目.

“该学院响应社区需求,并定位于成为该地区加强其供应链和海事优势的重要组成部分,” said Brian K. Payne, vice provost for academic affairs.

In November 2021, the Hampton Roads Maritime Collaborative for Growth & Innovation (HRMC) released "A Pathway for Maritime Innovation in Hampton Roads," 该报告确定了利用和扩大该地区对行业合作伙伴的创新和劳动力支持的机会. 这些建议包括为汉普顿路的海事创新建立一个可持续的家园和品牌. In July 2022, ODU聘请Elspeth McMahon担任其海事倡议的首任助理副总裁. ODU海事倡议旨在推动该大学成为全球公认的海事机会机构.

“ODU is poised to be a leading maritime-centric university,” McMahon said. “We are dedicated to providing progressive education, research and innovation to promote the blue economy. The creation of this school reflects our progress in this direction.”

A search is underway for the inaugural director of the new school. 工程技术教授米列塔·托莫维奇(Mileta Tomovic)担任该学院的临时院长.